From the ADA Sign Lady
The ADA Sign Lady is all over the Web, at Linked In, Twitter and Pinterest. Many times, when you see an article on a sign site about an ADA sign topic, you may be reading her words, or seeing drawings taken from material she shared. And that's almost always OK, as long as someone else does not claim authorship, because her goal is to share best practices and spread the word about communications accessibility as widely as possible.
Did you get your business taxes finished in time? And did you know that every year, the federal govenment gives you a brand new chance to save some money...
It’s been obvious for a long time, that many people with vision impairments would prefer signs that speak out. However, nothing is quite that simple!
Audible Signs
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We would have thought that, at the least, architects and project
managers could understand the term "sign schedule," since they deal
with door schedules, window schedules, and sometimes paint schedules
as routine. However, we are running into more and more people who don't
understand that term at all. Read More . . .
What is a Sign Schedule?
Go to this page and watch some videos with interviews and fascinating stories of people who have overcome obstacles presented by disabilities.
Multi-stall Non-gender Specific Restrooms
Restrooms and how they are best identified seem to be a nver-ending problem, especially in California where there are two signs to deal with. Now we have the added concern of how to identify both single user and multi-stall restrooms where gender is not an issue.
ADA Sign Tax Advantages
A Sensible Look at Non-gender Single Stall Restrooms
A simple problem - a simple solution. Why has it become so complicated?
Here is our most recent article on restrooms. Check as well as we muse about what to call multi-stall restrooms not assigned to a gender.